Friday, May 31, 2013

Take a week off from Bob Dotson’s book. This week, we focus on camera shots (follow the link to the list if you need a refresher). Watch both of the videos embedded below.

Then, pick the one you find more interesting. For it, you’re going to write a shot-by-shot account of it (pausing so you can describe each shot). It will take a little while. (You can look at my sample for the Boyd Huppert story we watched in class). On your blog post, give the following information:
Story title: The Art of Violin Bow Making
Total Run Time: 2:28
Then, list (and number) each shot in sequence and describe each in 4 to 8 words.

1.  Tying apron, explaining who he is. (t)
2.  Rolling sleeves (t)
3.  His face.  explaining what he makes.
4.  Sanding the bow.  (cutaway) (t)
5.  His face (cutaway)
6.  (m) of his face explaining the bow is made in three parts
What you noticed overall:
When I watch these videos i really start to notice the camera work.  I see the eyes on thirds and The depth of shots.  It's really weird when you start to really look for those things. But this video had a lot of great shots! They were a lot of really good depth shots, and a lot of shots you don't normally see.


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