Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Friday assignment

Read in Dotson’s book pages 55 thru 71. Then:

1. What do you find most interesting about what he says on these pages?
So I accidentally read the later pages and I thought the story about the San Fransisco earthquakes was really touching.  Just reading it I felt the impact of the earthquake.  It was really sad to read about the guy who was just trying to save people.
 What stands out as particularly useful to you as a storyteller?
 The way he uses his words was really touching.  Just the way he would talk about the issue that was going on had such an affect on the people.  Like in Union. 

2. What is the name of the story, and on what date did it first air?

Pianist loses fingers in snow blower, lives to play  January 21, 2013

3. List and describe four instances of natural sound.
The sound of the piano in the church
Sound of snow blower running
People clapping for Jim

4. List and describe (including the type and what they are showing) four camera shots that you find interesting.
I loved the shot from above the piano from behind the person playing in the church (m)
The (m) shot of his cut off fingers
(w) of Jim's drive way
(t) of Jim's stub fingers

5. Write a possible focus statement for the story (strong verbs; no “-ing” words)
Man continues to play with less fingers.

6. How does this story utilize Dotson’s “Building Blocks” (from Page 68)? Discuss a few of them, please. (100 words)

I read the wrong section.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Take a week off from Bob Dotson’s book. This week, we focus on camera shots (follow the link to the list if you need a refresher). Watch both of the videos embedded below.

Then, pick the one you find more interesting. For it, you’re going to write a shot-by-shot account of it (pausing so you can describe each shot). It will take a little while. (You can look at my sample for the Boyd Huppert story we watched in class). On your blog post, give the following information:
Story title: The Art of Violin Bow Making
Total Run Time: 2:28
Then, list (and number) each shot in sequence and describe each in 4 to 8 words.

1.  Tying apron, explaining who he is. (t)
2.  Rolling sleeves (t)
3.  His face.  explaining what he makes.
4.  Sanding the bow.  (cutaway) (t)
5.  His face (cutaway)
6.  (m) of his face explaining the bow is made in three parts
What you noticed overall:
When I watch these videos i really start to notice the camera work.  I see the eyes on thirds and The depth of shots.  It's really weird when you start to really look for those things. But this video had a lot of great shots! They were a lot of really good depth shots, and a lot of shots you don't normally see.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Interview Notes


1.  Show up early, set-up and put mic on chair
2.   Run Mic Up shirt
3.   Reporter should distract and make a connection
4.   Photographer is listening in headphones
5.   Frame up shot:  Eyes on Third, Talking Space/Nose Room, Cam Eye Level,
6.   Photographer gives signal:  Clears Throat... to signal he/she is ready for the interview to start
7.  1st Question is always  State your name and spell it...
8.  Open Ended Questions
9.  Last Question is always "Is there anything else you want to say"
10. Shoot Cut Aways of Hands or Reporter

Copy and paste the following questions and answer them on your blog:

Run and Gun Interviews:

1.  What is a "Run and Gun" interview? When can we use a "Run and Gun" interview?
It's in the moment. Usually a few questions.

2.  What is the first thing you should do BEFORE starting off for the interview?
ALWAYS check your equipment.

3.  Why do you think we should ask for permission?
Because sometimes they don't want to be interviewed.  Be polite.

4.  Why should we always ask the interviewee to state and spell their names?

To use their name later when putting it on the air.

5.  Where should we place the microphone?
Out of Shot (hopefully),  Keeping the mic towards the bottom of the shot.

6.  Should we hand the mic to the interviewee?

7.  The photographer is responsible for the sound levels.  What are two things the photog should be aware of?
Make sure the sound meter is okay. Not in red
Watch the background noise.

8.  COMPOSITION:  How we should frame our interview shot:
a.  Eyes on Thirds
b.  2 Eyes One Ear
c.  Camera should be Even with the subject
d.  Talking space or Nose Room

9. Avoid shooting in front of  window.

10.  Why should we keep signs out of the background?
So people aren't reading that or trying to.

11.  If we were doing an interview about the high cost of parking at EVHS where would a good place to interview be?
Out in the parking lot.

12.  What is a demonstration interview and what are the benefits?
 Doing something as you're interviewing them .

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Start a conversation that has nothing to do nothing with the topic
 1:  Say your first and last name and spell it.
2:  Last thing, id there anything else they would like to add
3:  Avoid verbal respondses
4:  Let them fill the silence

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Components of a Broadcast Story

This is how a story is put together.

1st We come up with a Topic:
2nd We decide on a Focus Statement:
3rd:  We Conduct Interviews to get Sound Bites to use in the interview:
4th We Shoot B-Roll to complement the sound bites
5th  We Shoot our stand-up
6th:  We Edit our story together adding Voice Overs as Seques between interviews.

1: Cross Country Homecoming
2:  CC team runs ball far
3:  Kid in the beginning says" Our Cross Country team holds traditions very dear to us."
4: Helicopter following them down the highway.
5: The linking shot of the team mates handing off the ball.
6: He [the reporter] tells us that the opposing team is 168 miles away.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Break In video questions

1.  What is the lead in this story?  Does it intrigue you to keep watching?
You never would think it could happen to you, but someone broke into your house through the doggy door.

2.  What are the 5W's of this story:  Who, What, Where, When, Why
Heather. Her house was broken into. Denver, CO. 2 weeks ago.

3.   Give an example of the reporters Voice over or segue (Write it down word for word)
In Heather's case, they got away with a computer and some other electronics.

4.  When do we see the reporter's stand-up?  Beginning, Middle, or End?

5.  What is the purpose of this reporter's stand-up?
To put a voice to the face.

  • Move the story forward
  • Reporter becomes B-roll
  • Takes me to the scene
  • Use Props
  • Be creative and surprise people